Welcome to Shanghai Aotool Environmental Technology Co., Ltd!
  • 宠物消毒剂
  • 单过硫酸氢钾

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Contact us

Aotool(Kaifeng) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd

Plant Location: No.1 Fengxian Street, Kaifeng Fine Chemical Industry Cluster District, Kaifeng, Henan, China

Mob  +86-18916721671

Email: pmps@pmps.cn

Shanghai-based subsidiary of Aotool Environmental Technology Co., Ltd:

Shanghai Jiemao Co., ltd (international business)

Rm 1020, Bldg 4, No. 5000, Gonghexin Road,Shanghai,200443, China.

PIC:    Jinyu Liang

Tel :   + 86-21-56466700/57604688   

Mob:  +86-13361825331

Email: jiemao_liang@163.com


Website: www.pmps.cn


Traffic : 228
Edit time : 2020-09-26
Detailed introduction

Potassium persulfate granule type, used for river restoration, swimming pool water treatment, etc.

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Contact us

Aotool(Kaifeng) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd

Plant Location: No.1 Fengxian Street, Kaifeng Fine Chemical Industry Cluster District, Kaifeng, Henan, China

Mob  +86-18916721671

Email: pmps@pmps.cn

Shanghai-based subsidiary of Aotool Environmental Technology Co., Ltd:

Shanghai Jiemao Co., ltd (international business)

Rm 1020, Bldg 4, No. 5000, Gonghexin Road,Shanghai,200443, China.

PIC:    Jinyu Liang

Tel :   + 86-21-56466700/57604688   

Mob:  +86-13361825331

Email: jiemao_liang@163.com


Website: www.pmps.cn

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